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Showing posts from September, 2018
La Libia beneficia dell'esistenza di un'alleanza strategica in Medio Oriente Dopo la lotta politica della Libia sul potere e dopo il crollo del precedente regime libico, le crisi in Libia sono state successive. Nonostante la molteplicità di iniziative politiche nella risoluzione dei conflitti interni in Libia, gli sforzi per far uscire la Libia dalle crisi politiche, economiche e finanziarie non hanno avuto successo, a causa della mancanza di stabilità dello stato istituzionale libico per affrontare il problema problema interno con prestazioni politiche nuove ed efficaci. Il mondo oggi si sta muovendo verso un nuovo approccio in Medio Oriente con l'emergere di un'alleanza strategica araba in Medio Oriente, una coalizione composta dal Consiglio di cooperazione del Golfo, l'Egitto e la Giordania con l'aiuto degli Stati Uniti d'America per sostenere libertà e stabilità nella regione. Ma molti di noi stanno cercando di risolvere l'enigma...
 Libya benefits from the existence of a strategic alliance in the Middle East Since  Libya 's political struggle over power, and after the collapse of the former Libyan regime, the crises on  Libya  have been successive. Despite the multiplicity of political initiatives in the resolution of internal conflicts in Libya, the efforts to get Libya out of the throes of political, economic and financial crises have not succeeded, due to the lack of stability of the Libyan institutional state to deal with the internal issue with new and effective political performance. The world today is moving towards a new approach in the Middle East with the emergence of an Arab strategic alliance in the Middle East, a coalition consisting of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt, and Jordan with the help of the United States of America to support freedom and stability in the region. But many of us are trying to solve the puzzle and break the crisis that...
!   استفادة ليبيا من وجود التحالف الاستراتيجي في الشرق الأوسط منذ إن وجد الصراع السياسي الليبي حول السلطة، وبعد ما سقط النظام الجماهيرية السابق مباشرة، كانت الأزمات على ليبيا متعاقبة ومتلاحقة تكاد سؤ الأمور الداخلية تهدد امن واستقرار الدول المجاورة، بل أصبحت ليبيا تعدد محيطها الإقليمي بالكامل. ورغم من تعدد المبادرات السياسية في حل النزاعات الداخلية في ليبيا، لم تنجح الجهود الساعية الى خروج ليبيا من عنق الأزمات الخانقة سياسيا واقتصاديا وماليا، ذالك في ضل غياب استقرار الدولة المؤسساتية الليبية لتناول الملف الداخلي بكل جديدة وفاعلية بالأداء السياسي المنظم والمحكم. العالم اليوم يتجه نحو نهجا جديدا في الشرق الأوسط مع بروز تحالف استراتيجي عربي في الشرق الأوسط ، حلف يتكون من مجلس التعاون الخليجي ومصر والأردن بمساعدة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لدعم الحرية والاستقرار في المنطقة. لكن الكثير منا يحاول أن يرمي الى فك اللغز وكسر قيود الأزمة التي تشاهدها ليبيا في كل يوم بوجود تحالف جديد يربط  الصراع الليبي بحلف استراتجي إقليمي مع الأردن ودول عربية. وحدة شمل الأطياف الليبية...
  Gestione della Libia delle riserve estere: il problema dell'equilibrio nei mercati paralleli Nel contesto della gestione della crisi finanziaria in Libia, causando un disagio da riserve estere; la Banca Centrale nella città di Tripoli non ha potuto ottenere piena flessibilità nel tasso di cambio del dinaro libico rispetto al valore reale della valuta libica. Il fatto che la domanda di riserve estere di tutte le parti, del settore privato e del pubblico in valuta forte sia aumentata in larga misura causando la perdita di equilibrio tra il prezzo ufficiale del dinaro libico nei mercati paralleli. Le riserve estere delle entrate ufficiali della Libia sono il settore del petrolio e del gas, che contribuisce all'aumento della liquidità o alla diminuzione della ricchezza nazionale libica nell'economia libica, il ricavato in termini di denaro che viene raccolto nell'economia della Libia. L'idea di base è la fiducia dei cittadini nelle politich...
Libya 's management of foreign reserves: The problem of balance in parallel markets In the context of the management of the financial crisis in Libya , causing a distress by foreign reserves; the Central Bank in the city of Tripoli could not achieve full flexibility in the exchange rate of the Libyan dinar to the actual value of the Libyan currency. That the demand for foreign reserves from all parties, the private sector and as well as the public on hard currency has increased to a large extent causing the balance loss between the official price of the Libyan dinar in the parallel markets. Foreign reserves of Libya 's official income are the oil and gas sector, which contributes to the increase in liquidity or decrease in the Libyan national wealth in the Libyan economy, the proceeds income in terms of the money that, is raised in the economy of Libya . The basic idea is the citizen's confidence in the policies of managing the exchange rate from the ce...
   إدارة ليبيا للاحتياطيات الأجنبية ومشكلة التوازن في الأسواق الموازية   في سياق إدارة الأزمة المالية في ليبيا والتي تعصف بالاحتياطيات الأجنبية،  لم يتمكن المصرف المركزي في مدينة طرابلس أن يحقق المرونة الكاملة في تحيق سعر الصرف الدينار الليبي الى القيمة الفعلية للعملة الليبية. أن الطلب على الاحتياطيات الأجنبية من كل الأطراف، القطاع الخاص والعام على العملة الصعبة، زادت الى حد كبيير في فقدان التوازن ما بين السعر الرسمي لدينار الليبي والأسواق الموازية. الاحتياطيات الأجنبية من دخل ليبيا الرسمي يتمثل في قطاع النفط والغاز الذي يساهم في زيادة السيولة أو نقصانها في الاقتصاد القومي الليبي، عائدات المعمولة من ناحية الكتلة النقدية التي تطرح في الاقتصادي ليبيا. والفكرة الأساسية تتمثل في ثقة المواطن من سياسيات إدارة سعر الصرف من المصرف المركزي سوى كان من المصرف الليبي في الشرق أو الغرب، وعدم تواجد اتحاد مالي بين المصرفين في مؤسسة مالية موحدة بسبب الانقصام السياسي في ليبيا. ولقد ذكرنا في الماضي على أهمية نشاط ودور الاقتصاد الخفي على غرار الاقتصاد الرسمي الذي...
  An open inter-tribal meeting: a Libyan People's Diplomacy Libyan tribes organized a meeting in the city of Tarhuna in a mechanism to get out of the political and security crisis that is raging the Libyan state, meeting a was under the slogan of "Yes for Libya" in a state represented in the Libyan national and general cities. For Libya, the objectives of the Libyan tribes, and with the members of the Libyan sheiks and dignitaries, a movement of the Libyan People's Diplomacy, urging active participation in the dialogue since the start of Libya's successive crises. The Libyan tribes have an active and important role in various meetings, as well as in various forms in Libyan society. It adds motivation for this all-inclusive meeting is essential in solving all of Libya 's crises which lie in the dissolution of the militias within three days. We are always keen on the role of the Libyan tribes in the collective tribal administration, which seek...
Un incontro inter-tribale aperto: una diplomazia popolare libica tribù libiche hanno organizzato un incontro nella città di Tarhuna in un meccanismo per uscire dalla crisi politica e di sicurezza che infuria lo stato libico, incontrando un era sotto lo slogan di "Sì per la Libia" in uno stato rappresentato nel cittadino libico e città generali. Per la Libia, gli obiettivi delle tribù libiche, e con i membri delle sceicchi libico e dignitari, un movimento di diplomazia del popolo libico, sollecitando la partecipazione attiva al dialogo fin dall'inizio della crisi successive della Libia. Le tribù libiche hanno un ruolo attivo e importante in vari incontri, oltre che in varie forme nella società libica. Aggiunge la motivazione per questo incontro onnicomprensivo è essenziale per risolvere tutte le crisi della Libia che si trovano nella dissoluzione delle milizie entro tre giorni. Siamo sempre pronti sul ruolo delle tribù libiche nella gestione tribale col...
Libya : Economic performances are futile with levies on foreign exchange fees A small matter came last week, a decision of the Presidential Council on the economic reforms in Libya , which included mainly the fees imposed by the Libyan state. The Libyan state works in many ways to achieve a number of economic, developmental, financial and social objectives, including exchange rate fees, as a primary objective of reducing commodity prices, including the imposition of foreign exchange rates. The corruption of the credits in the difference between the exchange rate and the foreign currency and the attempt of the Central Bank to compete with the exchange rate of parallel markets in Libya become the most extensive artery in the management of the Libyan national economy in the funds to the private sector. The taxes and customs duties imposed by the Libyan state have not yet become sufficient means to achieve a range of economic and developmental goals in the country. W...
Libia: le prestazioni economiche sono inutili con prelievi sulle commissioni di cambio Una piccola questione è arrivata la scorsa settimana, una decisione del Consiglio presidenziale sulle riforme economiche in Libia, che includeva principalmente le tasse imposte dallo stato libico. Lo stato libico lavora in molti modi per raggiungere un certo numero di obiettivi economici, di sviluppo, finanziari e sociali, compresi i tassi di cambio, come obiettivo primario della riduzione dei prezzi delle materie prime, compresa l'imposizione dei tassi di cambio. La corruzione dei crediti nella differenza tra il tasso di cambio e la valuta estera e il tentativo della Banca Centrale di competere con il tasso di cambio dei mercati paralleli in Libia diventano l'arteria più ampia nella gestione dell'economia nazionale libica nei fondi al settore privato. Le tasse e i dazi doganali imposti dallo stato libico non sono ancora diventati mezzi sufficienti per raggiungere una ...