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Libya: a stalemate, a deadlock, and a consensus stalemate

It seems to me that our experiences from various political backgrounds, intellectual references, and professional streams have not qualified to be able to take initiatives at an inclusive forum to avoid further divisions in the Libyan society and to end the havoc of civil war that has burned green and made into ruins.

 We are talking today about the advanced military forces from the east to the west of Libya, which was stationed on the outskirts of the Libyan capital of Tripoli. We say that if no, the military forces did not respond to what happened, and we all described the initiative of Mr. Ghassan Salama, the UN Special Envoy to Libya.

But it seems that the ships were not heading as they were drawn towards the National Forum, the whole UN initiative in its content three stages working to cross the Libyan state and facilitate the stability to see that victory and then attributed fragmentation.

Things could have been different from a war on terror and extremism and a counter-war to defend the Libyan capital of Tripoli without the agency's harm in bringing foreign powers on turbulent months of drama and political escalation in Libya.

To declare the words and denounce the war on the capital Tripoli, which is based on the views of some Libyan figures are looking at them now to conclude that it was unnecessary or desired results, even if the things desired by others from the political equation.
 Libya needs reform from the corrupt rampant in the arena of political conflict and this need is a necessity of war not on them, but in Tripoli, Misrata, Benghazi, Tobruk and other cities of activating the reform that caused the loss of time and effort causing the Libyan crisis after the Libyan revolution.

Regrettably, the area of ​​the political solution has been lost due to the insistence of the Libyan political forces dominant in the name of religion and clear alignment to the external forces that support the corrupt financial, political and moral, which is now the dominant forces in the political arena.
The capabilities of the homeland is no longer a song to be sung by the Libyan people, but it became a story and its occurrence in the series of the struggle of the Libyan political class, which is written in the pages of modern Libyan history and in school boards in different languages ​​that the Libyan people are rich in its oil resources and poor without benefiting from them and lies tyrants to their people to own them.

Brief review General Khalifa Khalaf Hafer, the world recognized Libyan leader, visited Tripoli, the military wing of the eastern region, and put officials in Tripoli in question as to what a powerful military man could do in power and monopolize governance.

And through his desire to replace the civil democratic the political peace process to a totalitarian military regime pledged by the Libyan people in the past political era in the apparent justification for the care of the chairs and positions of the Libyan sovereign, which did not accept the legitimacy of the constitution allow them to stay and last.

He left the Libyan state's affairs in a state of confusion, especially the security and economic files and the illegal immigration to an undeliverable cause of death, wounded, disabled, orphaned, widowed and displaced from Libyan homes to re-state funds in arms and gear for a failed civil war.

Who are these Libyan technocrats who will be chosen by the Libyan people to manage the modern Libyan state and separate the state administration from the Libyan army's armed administration with arms and armed equipment to protect the Libyan borders from outside ambitions, without consulting the Libyan constitution in their sovereign status?

The Libyan parliament, which operates through the Council of Representatives and the State Council is to become a third sovereign body working in the Libyan capital under the name of the new Council of Representatives, whose presence has been approved by some of the legitimate parliament in the Eastern Province.

The Libyan government has become two governments, one of which is recognized internationally to be the national reconciliation the government in the west of the country and the other interim government in the east of the country approved by the Libyan parliament in the eastern region.

Besides the country in a state of internal civil war, then the third civil war of the year removed the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 2011 due to the Arab Spring, which swept the Arab countries from it is bright, close, liberal, oppressive and injustice.

The package of new political and economic reforms is not managed by civil war. This requires a sincere constitutional reference in adopting the permanent constitution of the Libyan state from a legislator who has been forced to lean years to build on Tripoli and not in Tripoli the unjustifiable war except to eradicate the abhorrent terrorism and extremism.

Who has a package of new reforms that he has been trying to implement within the stable framework of the integrated Libyan state without paying attention to the political hurdles of some parties to the conflict, but who exactly among the sovereigns are impeding reforms that have been in the process of transition to a democratic course?

Many of us are working with ranting and democratization and insist on sticking to the efforts of populism, choice and peaceful solution between the eastern and western powers of the country to become Libya empty of law and constitutional institutions in the concept of the Libyan city.

The Libyan issue is a thorny issue to become known for its excellence and its current form is not as motivating as the boring points at the international and regional conferences set up by Special Envoy Ghassan Salama at the negotiating table from one country to another.

However, the political equation is now zero and the strength of the invaders has risen with remarkable cycling over the past years to make the regional state work in favor of continuing its influence on the capabilities of the Libyan state in its attempt to overthrow the Libyan state in extremism and international terrorism.

The problem today is that Libya has become the manufacturer of international will and the opportunities of foreign powers to dominate Libya has become as much as ever before by the arms and armed militias that roam the country impose on the Libyan political entity pierced from foreign countries want to stay in this case.

What is required today is leadership and a solid constitutional floor and a national discourse deriving legitimacy from the law of Libyan society in the Libyan law and permanent constitution, an idea that was and still exists among the nations of the world to accompany Libya in its way to progress and prosperity in order to pass the issue of the Libyan state fair and ready to be able to political leadership and actual options Hard.

We will not be able to jump forward skillfully and avoid civil war and get out of successive crises until we get rid of them preoccupation and postponement for personal or republican purposes. We believe that we are still part of the Libyan national fabric, and the magician will come to the people of Libya with good, security and safety.

Putting eggs of gold may be in the imagination of some Libyan politicians, but they will solve problems in Libya that enable the new technocrats to put Libya in the legal positions and return Libya to the global mat. It is winning and not through the plays of a representative working on deceiving the Libyan cause. Ghali stops the moving sand towards the elimination of the modern Libyan state.

This is how we work to stop the obstruction and the dilemma of national consensus to change the political process in Libya and the door is open for everyone to open when the homeland asks everyone to participate in everyone does not resort to mediation and favoritism for the political purpose, especially if there is superiority over the traitors who lost the country and the people in civil wars.

Ramzi Halim Mavrakis
Businessman - Libyan political and economic analyst
Resident in the United States of America


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