Summary: Ramzi Halim Mavrakis
Ramzi Mavrakis is 60 years old and was born on 10/1/1958. Currently, he lives in Columbia, MO. He currently works as a President at Halim Mavrakis, Inc. Ramzi's education includes attending Columbia College. His ethnicity is Middle Eastern American, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican Party; and religious views are listed as Muslim. Ramzi is now married, and also has 2 children. He has a reported annual income of $250k+ and a current net worth value of greater than $1m.
Contact Information
Social Profiles
Social media activity. This may contain online profiles, dating websites, forgotten social media accounts, and other potentially embarrassing profiles. This may also contain additional contact information, giving you more ways to get in touch.
About Ramzi Mavrakis
Political Party: Republican Party
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern American
Religion: Muslim
Income: $250K+
Net Worth: Greater than $1M
Relationship: Married
Kids: 2
Work History
Title: President
Company: Halim Mavrakis, Inc.
City: Columbia, MO
Start: 1981
End: Current
School History
College: Columbia College
City: Columbia, SC
Start: 1980
End: 1984
Current Home Value:$750000
Home Purchase Price:$500000
Year: 2017
Make: Mitsubishi
Model: Info Pending...
Corporate Affiliations
Check Full Background Report to see a complete list of known corporate affiliations. This may contain information such as company name, job title, address, and time period of service.
Licenses and Permits
Weapons permits, Federal Aviation Administration pilot licenses and Drug Enforcement Administration licenses for prescribing controlled pharmaceuticals.
Story about Ramzi Mavrkis
Ramzi Mavrakis
Entrepreneur: political - economic writer and analyst
He is currently holding positions as the President and Chief Executive Officer for Halim Mavrakis, Inc. incorporated in the United States of America since 1981, also he is the General Executive of Libya Political & Economics Consulting Organization.
He engaged in several political transitions of the last thirty years, most significantly in business and in writing and consultation of the political and economics for the State of Libya.
Supporting Libya local efforts to reform or as a contributor of new ideas at an international think tank, he developed substantial relationships with political change agents and is respected by businessmen, political activists, and leaders in several countries.
An expert on business enterprises, international and public relation, Economics, politics, Ramzi has studied and worked in several countries, Libya, the United Kingdom and the United States of America and managing free enterprise businesses.
Academic Degree Received: Business Administration, General Business Administration, Management and Finance, a Bachelor of Science
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