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  Palermo Conference... One styles the same results!

According to the time lag on the Libyan crisis, political agreements between the conflicting parties on sovereign power and governance should be reached in a rotation in the country, according to the correct legal texts emanating from the Libyan legal constitution.

Libya has entered a critical period of time and the seriousness of the Libyan crisis to move to the Italian consular a Libyan Conference next month.

The conference aims of sitting in Italy and to raise the support to resolve the Libyan crisis in which Italy tries to stop France from penetrating its activities in Africa with its entire political stunt.

We hope to change the course of the Libyan case in the transition from crisis to security, political and social stability.

Starting now, in the good preparation for that period of constitutional elections and in the recognition that we have been delayed in the constitutional democratic process of Libya's political, economic and social stability.

The new political entitlement lies ahead in the preparation of the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, after the ascension of the Libyan constitution permanently.

It is to change now the reality of the country's deplorable reality and the failure of the Libyans political poles to transfer the Libyan case of crises to foreign countries.

The Libyan file of political crisis moves from country to another country in the same manner and pattern and with the same results announced in the previous international conferences without creating any new changes in the Libyan crisis.

The international conference on Libya is being held in a repetitive process in Palermo, the capital of  Sicily region where the major parties will participate from inside and outside Libya.

Despite the speculation from inside Libya, the strong rival to Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj from the east, Marshal Khalifah Hafter, will not attend the international conference.

The presence of the President of the Presidential Council of the National Accord Government, Faiz Al-Sarraj confirmed attending the conference of "Palermo".

The real circumstances that force, Faiz Al-Sarraj to attend the international equation adopted by the United Nations Security Council, which works with Italy hand in had to produce positive and concrete results.

Marshal Khalifah Hafter supports the interim government and does not support the national reconciliation government legitimately approved by the United Nations in the western region of the country, which has made no significant progress in the political, security and economic fields.

The national reconciliation government reached the crossroads between East and West to lead to a comprehensive political settlement,  supposedly, the Libyan crisis between the East and West has not been radically resolved

Sitting at the same table between Al-Seraj and Khalifa Haftar is possible, but the agreement between them has entered a period of time that will be determined by the countries concerned at the conference, to bridge the country of Libya to the real accesses of Libya to the outside world.

Since Italy does not have the "magic wand" for good Libyan politics and does not have all the solutions to tackle the Libyan issue on its own, Italy is using and lobbying the United States and Russia.

 Italy is also trying to get prominent names on the international scene to defeat the decline of the Libyan issue by the outbreak of the Arab Spring in North Africa.

The conference has to rethink In terms of the nature of the Libyan political system, which includes the sovereign and financial institutions together in the adoption of the Libyan constitutional legitimacy.

The internal politicians have evaded the political arena over the past period of internal conflicts between the Libyan armed militias and continuing clashes between the Libyan factions competing for power and authority.
The Libyan case will be presented again in the future to international conferences even after the Palermo Sicilian conference, to resolve the issue of conflicts on the Libyan state.

The meeting is to try to make it suitable for the Libyans to have a stable political democracy to serve their interests in Libya. However, this issue remains the first and last choice in the hands of the Libyan people.

It is not just maneuvering in defiance of the government between the East, nor of the government of the West, but of a really challenging for one legitimate constitutional government in the face of political instability.

It is necessary to participate in the performance of the democratic process and to reveal the crises after the absence of joint action between the separation of the political conflict on the Libyan arena, which filled with full disappointment by the Libyan citizen in looking forward to better days.

The Italian leadership will not be able to set off on its own from the island of Sicily to build a state of justice, institutions, and stability in Libya until Libya devours its commitment to the reference of the UN plan and install it at the dialogue table at the next conference.

The conference on Libya will be attended by many figures, as the US President Trump in arrives in Paris, who will attend the World War I commemoration ceremony to include high-level names, the move requires a lot of freshness and vitality to restore the success of the Palermo conference.

The Italian conference on Libya will start with a presentation of all ideas, initiatives and past activities aimed at solving the Libyan crisis, including the peaceful rotation and the dismantling of Libyan militias.

 The return to the army, police and the security apparatus in Libya through the UN proposals and work on developing other ideas to be presented at the conference later.

But Italy is afraid that this conference in Palermo will be a risk, and the ideas will be counterproductive, which will cause more harm than good to Libya as Italy is a key interlocutor in the Middle East.

All this is due to the Libyan internal conflict platform and the failure of Libyan politicians to reach internal political solutions and the division of constitutional authority that produces a peaceful change in Libya after the crisis. Thus, the political platform in Libya is to restore stability and comprehensive Libyan national security.

The stages of transition and real stability come in the stages of economic growth and the stages of settling the Libyans who internally displaced and abroad.

It is to rely on many Libyan politicians to adopt the Libyan national project integrated together in order to reach the overall goal of the integration of Libyan under Libyan constitutional legitimacy.

By Professor Ramzi Halim Mavrakis
Businessman - Libyan political and economic writer and analyst
Resident in the United States of America


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