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 UN proposals for the unification of Libyan financial institutions

At every Security Council session, Libya is wearing the robe of international entitlements, which pose a futile attempt to pull Libya back to the international political track in the pattern of systematic studies of repeated calls by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the implementation of the roadmap.

Ghassan Salama, who is once again working on proposals for the unification of Libya's economic and financial institutions and increasing its transparency in the Libyan state, aims at a phase and a special chapter on the unification of Libyan financial institutions.

Dynamic realism is in the Libyan oil industry, which brings to Libya funds in the process of principles, views, and values of foundations at the unity of the Libyan treasury to achieve further gains in the rise of Libyan oil and gas production.

But the political practice of finding the right solutions between the Libyan political poles is manifested in conflict with the Libyan authority and wealth, has not yet matured.

Even if the conflict matured in the opinion of the United Nations, Libya should be covered by international obligations, because of the various political poles for working the current political situation are unaware of the nature of international political work.

Ghassan Salameh briefed the United Nations on the recent developments in Libya and praised the desire to hold the upcoming elections in Libya and not to comply with attempts to obstruct the electoral process and the Libyan national democratic process.

The various intellectual current political situations in Libya were born as a result of the profound changes in the Libyan state after the fall of the Libyan Jamahiriya, in which they operate in Libya without a constitutional framework that works to organize political party work and raise external funds for the political process in Libya.

Political processes in Libya have no place in the concept of the legitimate Libyan constitutional state, it is a cesarean section that would have helped in the death of the modern Libyan state, as a result of Libya's profound transformations between the conflicting political poles of power.

Dealing with the concept of uniting the Libyan financial institutions is mainly due to the concept of unity in the political and sovereign institutions in Libya through the concept of Libyan legal constitution adopted by Libya after independence in 1951.

The Libyan Constitution, which works to lay the foundations of the modern Libyan state, has not yet been adopted, after the Libyan state's resistance to the Libyan regime collapsed, the armed forces took over the direction of the state.

The reduction of the chaos in which Libya is now floundering is the product of foreign actions and agendas imposed on the reality of the Libyan state's fall from the former regime, leading to the failure of the Paris Agreement on Libya.

The Paris Accord does not have the components of the Libyan state, which consists of eight points, including the holding of parliamentary, presidential elections at the end of the year, the transfer of the House of Representatives, the parallel dumping of governments and institutions, the unification of the Libyan Central Bank and other government institutions to the building of professional and unified security institutions.

Foreign agreements do not serve the Libyan state at present, because it is a series of agreements and actions in the process of hypocrisy and arrogance and more waste of resources of the country.

Foreign interventions It opens an acceleration of chaos in Libya by planting more differences on the right solutions and verbal announcement agreement on the Libyan issue in Paris.

We see every day declaration from within Libya government and on the sometimes contradictory of Libyan affairs, in particular, by the Finance Ministers of the Finance Commission of the National Accord Government.

 Declaration of trying to overcome the public interest and move forward on the Paris Accord approach as a locomotive and a national institution, in dispersion and rupture.

We have mentioned in many previous articles the fundamental truth on the basis of the financial situation in Libya, that can be the basis and foundation of the transition to national unity by sharing the Libyan wealth with a full social justice and avoid the superficial emotion and cold love about Libya that leads to separate Libya from each other.

However, there are no Libyan political figures well-known names in the art of political engagement at this year's elections, for the adoption of the Libyan national state.

All the Libyan parties are working under the curtain objectives to serve their ideas until the blood of the Libyan people was divided between the ideological and the competing tendencies.

Political consciousness serves the nation of Libya regardless of partisan affiliations that makes the understanding between the Libyan political poles in the service of Libya.

Libyan political parties have been denied acceptance by the general public because of the conflicts among themselves in order to unify the country's wealth and extend the hand of influence to the balance of power within the components of Libyan society.

Political processes must continue unabated for the benefit of all Libyans, but the respect for international humanitarian law and internal Libyan law must be endured, and violence and chaos in Libya will prolong the suffering of the Libyan people.
  By Professor Ramzi Halim Mavrakis
A Libyan businessman based in the United States of America


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