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Libya: Governments tremors of heavy inheritance!

I was one of those who did not like the Libyan secretaries' policy in managing the affairs of the Libyan state and I say that the problem of Libya was due to the failure of the Libyan personalities and leaders of the Libyan state.

But unfortunately, I was in my deepest concern with the former Libyan Jamahiriya before the Arab Spring, which swept through the Arab region and around to the moral vibrations of the accumulation of heavy inheritance in the past two years.

Today, Libya returns to its main problems and challenges back to the era of the Jamahiriya, the former regime in the course of rapprochement to the decedents.

Mistakes were made in the change of names from the popular secretariats to the ministries of the Libyan state and the failure of its institutions concerned to build the Libyan citizenship again.

All crimes and corruption and the double loyalty of the nation back to this defect and failure to build the Libyan citizenship in full of flattery and arrogance and the suffering of people from the lack of rigor of the Libyan government in all sectors of the Libyan government.

The complex process goes through the former political system to the current political system, one of the reasons for the decline of the role of educational institutions in the discharge of their constitutional duties and the performance of the Libyan national professional mission.

The civil wars in Libya was a big mistake between the Libyans and it is a disaster that we did not calculate the precise calculations, despite the objective, strategic and historical justification for the unification of the country and the unification of the Libyan state institutions, but in the end was no option for the political poles, but to continue to the holder of power and wealth and weapons.

What drives us today in Libya is to focus on the educational dimension in our universities, colleges, and educational schools and to show the image of educational appropriate manner that the new reality in the revolution of the Libyan people needs to be followed by building bases and rules and solid educational starting points.

Value and scientific vibrations affect Libyan society, there is a big problem between the Libyan people and the divided Libyan governments in the East and West, which are meant to unite to complement the sacrifices made by the founding fathers of Libya who sacrifice, were still there for the Libyans on working to rebuild the one unified Libya under Libyan constitutional legitimacy.

The Libyan governments hesitated and fell back on the right path of the unity of the Libyan people, which are symptoms of the vibration of values and scientific.
 The problem is so serious, it is so serious which was founded over decades by the Libyan educated and conscious in the era of the former Libyan Jamahiriya.

The tasks and responsibilities awaiting Libya are not normal and that the problem is based on all sections of health, culture, literature, and arts in the overthrow of tyranny and prevents its return to Libya, whatever the high price paid by the Libyan people to fight intellectual extremism.

Extremism has been reflected in the real religious concepts, not the extremism here in the sacrifices made by the Libyan people when they made the sacrifices to emphasize the unity of their land and the preservation of their political, social and economic capabilities.

Libya must be a patch of victories and not defeats and tremors in all development battles to realize the dream of the national Libyans and build their state based on Libyan constitutional principles of freedom, democracy, and elections based on constitutional legitimacy.

Libya's constitutionality is the main factor in the political, economic and social reforms. It is one of the priorities of the state's work and strategies and its preoccupation with repairing what was damaged in the past and broadening the political participation base of large areas of political poles in Libya.

The Libyan political forces are aware that they achieve more harmony, understanding, and harmony, which makes cohesion and national Libyan social cohesion and achieve civil peace by involving everyone from the people of Libya to the destination of the stable Libyan state.

The absence of the activities of the political forces through their work within the framework of the former regime of the marginalization of political parties in the process of abortion of direct democracy, made the former political system lose its status and ability to deal with peaceful coexistence in Libyan society.

Today, Libya seeks a constitutional state consisting of its citizenship in action and participation, except the lifting of arms against the Libyan state and the practice of terrorism, violence, killing and vandalism against the country and its citizens.

Open dialogue is the right way and the means to complement the peaceful democratic process to break the threads of the Libyan crisis.

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis 


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