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Political stumble in Libya

It is not our speech here to say that the Libyan political poles  agree to what they do not agree, and hold on to the rule of government in Libya without putting to their people the foundations of the democratic system and underestimated the political difficulty in solving the Libyan political issue.

Libya has gone through seven lean years after liberation, leaving the former political system behind and heading towards freedom, stability, prosperity and democratic political progress. The United Nations send to Libya six envoys to resolve disputes between its political poles.

Representatives were among them - the first Abdullah Al-Khatib Jordanian from February 2011 - September 2011, the second Ian Martin Britain from September 2011 - October 2012, the third Tarek Metri Lebanese from September 2012 - September 2014, the fourth Bernardino León Spanish from August 2014 - November 2015, Martin Cobbler of Germany from November 2015 to June 2015, and sixth Ghassan Salameh of Lebanon from June 2017 to now.

Political conflicts in Libya have been the cause of regional conflicts of interest over Libya, which has plunged Libya into a cycle of vicious conflicts, including multiple United Nations envoys for setting stability and security and the demand for key democratic and parliamentary elections in Libya.

The last envoy, Ghassan Salama, comes out with ideas from the Libyans and not on his own accord to a three-dimensional plan, including the omnibus conference which will appear on the Libyan political scene as the Libyan national forum.

The lack of confidence of the Libyan citizen towards the political elites competing for power in Libya makes Ghassan Salama escape from the initial plan to amend the Skhirat agreement signed in Morocco by the end of 2015.

The inevitable necessity lies in the need to agree on the amendment of the terms of the structure of the Presidency of the Government through the reduction of its members and from nine to three.

The mechanism of choice for the whole Libyan conference, which is divided between the Libyan cities from the east, the west and the south, is not clear until now, and the nature of the work from the direct side of the supervision of the all-inclusive conference, which has a close relationship with the United Nations, is not very clear either.

The event is without embarrassment from the expectation of the Speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives Akeela Saleh to form a government of national unity at the end of this year and the holding of an extraordinary meeting with the President of the Supreme Council of the Libyan State Khaled al-Mashri, is confidence towards the Libyan elite competing for power from the Libyan state to return to the state institutions National Libyan.

Enduring problems in Libya, is to be the solution to the political crisis on the way to a détente Libya's search for the transition from the state, which has acquired the funding of the force of the reality, which is striking the Libyan legal economy through the practices of commercial activities under the cover of the illegal.

The speed of political solutions also avoids the Libyan economic problems in the near future, which results from the sharing of letters of credit to allow the strength of the people of Libya to seize and control the foreign exchange reserves at the Central Bank of Libya.

What we say today about the issues of Libya, is no more than an injustice to the Libyan people, which is in installed the hearts of many Libyans that they live in a large geographical area called Greater Libya.

Although, my reading on the Libyan political scene is characterized by a breakthrough on the rights of the Libyan people, the political reality in Libya is inevitable.

Doubts, disagreements and fears about the nature of constitutional rule in Libya, and urging the adoption of the plan of Ghassan Salama in Libya and its three steps, which differ in substance from the previous envoys to Libya, is the final solution to the political, economic and social crises that have torn the Libyan social fabric.

To say that those who hinder the political solution in Libya, are those who will be held accountable for their disgrace, and are the one whom they brought the country to this situation to the level of disaster, total decline and divergence from the formation of a comprehensive good global partnership.

Advanced and developed countries aspire to Libya with links to help create a modern Libyan state, the state of institutions that are subject to international laws, rules, regulations and policies, after Libya was a rogue state that was out of international law in the past.

By Professor Ramzi Halim Mavrakis


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