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 Libya is not ready for the democratic rule... Under security conditions!

It is true that Libya is preparing for the upcoming elections this year, in light of the failure of the political elites to rule the country to distinguish itself as political and uncoordinated voters.

The clear visions regarding the political and security process of holding parliamentary elections before there are a clear agreement and path between all sides.

A complete inability of political elites to put forward political thought and programs, or a unified national project, addressing the issues of building the future state of Libya, to the safe state of Libya in a national political speech that amounts to the life of Libyan citizenship.

A democratic political system is worn out in the absence of the security structure, leaving an honest gap between and the people to spread corruption, chaos, murders, and bombing, turning Libya to assassinations in the east and west and south, leaving us in a state of grief.

The security chaos caused the explosion of two car bombs at the Al-Radwan mosque in the city of Benghazi after the worshipers left the mosque to injure a number of dead and wounded, including the commander of the investigation force and the martyr Ahmed Fetouri and a commander in the Libyan intelligence unit and the martyr Brigadier Mahdi Abdul Aziz Al-Falah.

Before the explosion in Benghazi, there were clashes in the Libyan’s capital Tripoli, which left about 11 people dead, which stopped the capital all flights to and from the airport of Muaitika last week.

It is the security necessity that we must see and know and enable in the country and the desire of the Libyan society in the Constitution of the work so that the Libyan state to establish controls and standards of security facilitates.

Work on the principle of change and accountability and the principle of democratic peaceful circulation of power and the exercise of good governance.

But today, in these insecure circumstances, it is difficult for us to point the finger at those who are working to destabilize and to secure Libya.
Today, we are narrowing our horizons, just as we are eager to expose the ignorance of those who are behind the scenes to destabilize Libya's security and stability.

We ask questions about the completeness of the constitutional process and the national transitional phase in the sense of security, which paints for our Libyan people and successive Libyan governments unflinching plans of action, in the sense of protest and rejection of what Libya has done in terms of security chaos.

Libya has spread in it groups that want to spread and interpret their ideas with the force of coercion to change the vision of the Libyan society, which practices the customs and traditions of Islamic social fabric.

A deviation from the Islamic principle is not possible, but some of us say that some of the Salafist groups and intervention groups and the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, fanatical Islamist groups controlled Libyan mosques to support their alliance with those in the Libyan authority.

Libya's security dilemma cannot be separated from the rest of the Arab countries, especially the one surrounding neighbor, which is an extension of what is happening in the Arab countries.

Arab countries are making successful efforts in the peace and security in the country torn by the civil war and destroyed by the security chaos since the fall of the former regime in 2011.

The internal power struggle between currents in the political arena in the absence of law, constitution and security make Libya in the quagmire of the overwhelming security chaos. Until security is achieved in Libya there will be no proper democratic practices in the country.

B Ramzi Mavrakis


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