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  Libya: Russian conflict to re-armament. A solution to the Libyan crisis

The Libyan scene is very dangerous, and perhaps the conflict of interests and international strategic balances are working on the vagaries of the Libyan political situation, which would represent a vision of the path of stability of the Libyan state in the near future.
It requires a great deal of follow-up to the historical Russian-Libyan relations, in which Russia has supplied arms to Libya, the largest arms exporter in the past, on the African continent, which has lost large amounts of its stockpiles in the internal Libyan war.
Apart from the bias of one party or another and away from ideological and political bases as tools to analyze the course of the new Libyan political system, we find that the armaments again took a large share of the will of the Libyan state.
What we see today in Libya is the demand for armaments from the superpowers once again over Libya's material resources, and away from most of the visions and readings that should be focused on the development programs and economic reforms that deal with the Libyan internal affairs.
Internal divisions Some Libyan political parties are seeking to control the country by force of weapons imported from abroad after the failure of the democratic experiment and the failure of all attempts at dialogue and the collapse of the political path between the various forces in the country to go back to Russia to lift the arms embargo from the United Nations.
A difficult equation is not easy for Libyan society to accept armament along the lines of the overall economic development and Libya's exit from its economic crises when there are inflation and the scarcity of financial resources from oil and gas revenues, which has taken a continuous decrease causing a huge deficit in the treasury of the Libyan state of hard currency.
The interests of the world are represented in the coastal oil crescent where its interests intersect today with Libya's supply of arms and equipment in internal wars so that these forces can prevent the Libyan state from any economic renaissance and work on further armament.
Russia is willing to supply Libya with military hardware after the conflicting political parties reach a unified Libyan national army. But the obstacle to Russia's international law is that the United Nations does not agree to lift the arms embargo without taking the non-marginalization of any of the Libyan players in the East and West.
Russia is the largest arms exporter to Libya in the past. Libya is the largest arms importer in North Africa, according to Western arms reports and studies, which indicate that Abu Bakr Younis Jaber held a $ 1.8 billion, contract to buy Russian weapons in January 2010.
Today we see that the most organized force is the forces of the Libyan Arab National Army in the hands of Marshal Khalifa Hafer, who controls the east under the leadership of the House of Representatives, which rejects the Marshal Khalifa Hafer National Accord Government headed by the internationally recognized Faiz Al-Sarraj and not recognized by the Libyan Parliament in the city of Tobruk.
The unification of the Libyan army must be far from the Libyan armed militias that have penetrated into the authority of the Libyan state. There is no Libyan Arab national army under the full control of the Libyan armed militias.
Will not lift the arms embargo on Libya as seen by Russia and the Libyan parties want to arm again, except with the full consensus of the Libyan political parties that are moving towards the unification of the army and the creation of political conditions appropriate to stabilize the Libyan state and avoid military loyalties outside the Libyan Arab national army.
Armament in Libya is not going to re-arsenal Libya's weapons again as Libya was in the past, but arming in order to protect Libya from external forces that exceed the capabilities of the Libyan state, the dilemma faced by Western countries in front of the international community in who is the Libyan army able to bear This responsibility and lifting the arms embargo.
The military formations in Libya today consist of the majority of the revolutionaries and possess the largest military arsenal, most of which were seized by the rebels of the military forces from the former regime, which had the largest arsenal of weapons in the African continent, these military formations are to be organized in one way or another to the national army Arab Libyan in that it is armed conflict in Libya.
That most of the economic capabilities in the Libyan state controlled by the government of national reconciliation, funds from some of the Libyan oil revenues exported to the Central Bank of Libya located in Tripoli, as well as major commercial ports and iron and steel complex in Misurata and cement factories and chemical compounds and commercial banks operating in Libya, Tobruk in the eastern region exports a small amount of crude oil and there is no significant economic return in the eastern region, as it is in the western region.
Libya is rich in natural resources, especially oil and gas, which accounts for more than 90 percent of external sources of foreign currency, which makes the Western powers dominate the economies of the Libyan state and makes Libya a state of excellence with the dependence of the eastern and central region and southern Libya in the overall economic renaissance.
The eastern region continues to be punished especially by the city of Benghazi sparking the Libyan revolution and its punishment to live in a state of instability and deprivation of the resources of the Libyan state throughout this Libyan revolution, which launched the chants of change and reform and comprehensive national economic development.
The conflict in Libya can only be resolved through reconciliation between the eastern and western regions and to bridge the joint cooperation between the two parties and the transitional justice in power, wealth and weapons.
By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis


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