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 Al-Seraj is defeated after Washington declared Jerusalem the capital of the Zionist entity

The recent trip to the United States of America was a major failure before he arrived in Libya after US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist entity.

What was spoken by an Arab laminate with different addresses that denounced the US president in words and not acts that say "Trump gives those who do not have those who do not deserve," but in the belief of the President of the Presidential Council of the Government of National Reconciliation Fayez Al-Sarraj the possibility of Libya to open renewed political and economic relations with the United States of America after Relations between the two countries were strained under the former Libyan regime.

Libya's international relations, especially with the United States of America, did not go as desired by Al-Serraj, amid the widespread rejection and anger of the Arab and Islamic peoples of US President Donald Trump's unilateral declaration of transfer of the American Embassy from the Israeli city of Tel Aviv to occupied Arab Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The argument made by the US President at this time to facilitate the transfer of the US Embassy to Arab Jerusalem was based on the adoption by the US Congress in 1995 of the majority decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

But Al-Seraj takes the opportunity after his return from the United States and his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to say that Libya is committed to the Arab peace initiative announced in the Arabic Conquest in Beirut in 2002 that recognizes the establishment of an internationally recognized Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

After more than four decades of deteriorating US-Libyan relations, the Al-Serraj initiative, in an effort to restore good relations between the two countries, was in a period of the official American declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The relations again fell to square one as in the past, was on the way to return to Tripoli, the Libyan capital from Germany.

As the Libyan conflict between political poles, Al-Serraj is asking for help from the great powers in economic and political terms, to get Libya out of the humanitarian abyss, we do wrong if we come from a source of weakness and not a strong source of change in the current situation in Libya.

The steps to open relations with the countries of the world, especially with the West comes from a strong source and not from the weak as it is the situation on Libya today, these are the steps taken by the Al- Serag at the wrong time to the direction of the United States of America.

Al-Sarraj pre-empted events in his visit to the United States to return to Libya, defeated by the decision of US President Donald Trump, who sets the priorities and interests of the United States in the creation of the State of Israel with some courage to consider what Arab and Muslim
Leaders of the question of occupied Palestine.

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis


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