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The exclusion of Libya under international tutelage ... the meeting of the General Assembly in the midst of the Libyan crisis

The envoy and the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Professor of International Relations Ghassan Salameh, did not limit the issue of the Libyan crisis to a high-level meeting of the members of the United Nations General Assembly.

Members of the total of one hundred and ninety-three countries with full membership in addition to the members of observers without the right to vote from international organizations, to be the role of Ghassan Salama a political role advisory presents his view on the Libyan issue in full in a plan called "Plan of Action" which Is a window of hope to be exploited by the Libyans in ending the Libyan crisis peacefully and positively
"The plan of action is to amend the" political agreement "through political changes in the necessary transitional stages for the presidential and parliamentary elections.

Libya is considered one of its active members, which remains committed to its solidarity with the UN Charter of Chapter II, Article IV, in which Libya seeks real solutions to emerge from its political, economic and social crises that revolve around the prospects of the contemporary Libyan state, which is political, economically and socially challenged.

That the current Libyan issue has become the concern of the world as a whole irreversible Libya as a member state, and events that make Libya a country threatened by complete failure, which has taken the destruction and collapses completely of all internal and external aspects.

Serial events did not only threaten the Libyan internal security, but have become frequent events threaten the security and stability of the region adjacent to the Libyan state in terms of neighboring countries and the international region in terms of European countries bordering the Mediterranean basin, and for these reasons the total core dragged the Libyan file from the meeting room of the city of London To the New York City meeting hall at the United Nations General Assembly meeting.

The rejectionists on any side of the peaceful solution between the Libyan political poles have taken serious steps in the face of confrontation to the international regime that is harmful to Libya's national welfare and offers no the stability and security of the Libyan state and works towards further regression, division, and separation.

At this final political stage of the negotiation process between the conflicting political poles and the transfer of the Libyan file to the General Assembly of the United Nations, the political process has reached a climax, there is no pretext except to accept the fait accompli imposed on them all to bear full Libyan national responsibility.

It is the responsibility of Libya's legislative and executive powers to be harmonized and cooperating with each other in the Libyan constitutional institutions, which are working to make the interests of the Libyan state supreme in line with the interests of the world today, far from the divisions of national institutions here and there.

With this political action and coordination among themselves, they have achieved the leadership of the PIBA and out of the bottleneck and out of the despair that has been in the hearts of most participants in the Libyan political process for a long time.

Libya is suffering from the chaos until the League of Arab States led by its Secretary-General, Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, described the situation in Libya as still far from stability with sincere attempts for Libyan reunification and access to a common word among the Libyan parties and that there is a consensus between Arab positions And international towards the Libyan silver.

The various Libyan governments between the eastern and western sides are working to inflame the chaos with the absence of a permanent constitution that sets a roadmap for the existence of a sophisticated and good electoral system supervised by a civilized country in this regard as an initial stage of imposing Libyan law to restore the state to the constitutional quorum.

The meetings that were held in several countries in the world such as the meeting of the Moroccan resort of Skhirat, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Abu Dhabi, Niger, Congo Brazzaville, France, and London.

Meetings and efforts were made by all to seek the existence of compromise solutions between the Libyan political poles and finally reach the Libyan file have become a meeting room of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
It is possible to see the final round of talks and the conclusion of the number of discussions on the thorny issue of Libya and the emergence of the drought and stagnation to the stage of peaceful coexistence and then to the disappearance of the Libyan crisis suffocating.

Is it possible to see a United Nations trusteeship declaration for Libya in difficult circumstances, tearing, chaos and economic, political and moral bankruptcy? However, Libya and the Libyan people are not assisted by this hostile behavior against a crisis-stricken and failed state in all respects.

Libya is an official member and still believes in the Charter of the United Nations, asking the peoples of the world and the nations of the world for immediate assistance rather than international tutelage.

The guardianship that the Libyan people want and desire in this period of contemporary history has removed the chaos and the establishment of political, economic, security and social reforms in all aspects of daily life without resorting to the obstacles imposed on them in previous eras.

The meeting of the United Nations General Assembly is not a failure of the efforts of those who played an active role in trying to stabilize Libya politically and work for the establishment of a constitutional democratic state and try to avoid military action that would increase the tension in the country and curb the stability process in Libya.

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis 


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