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 Libya's political milestones ... a thorny crisis at the transitional transit stage

Many political analysts describe, evaluate, and predict at the same time the transitory transition phase, some of which were believed to have been more than three transitional stages and entering their fourth phase of both pessimistic and thorny crises.

Most of us assessed the February 17 revolution, which was considered part of the uprisings of the Arab Spring to change the parameters of Libyan politics, where pessimism proliferated in the transitional stage of peaceful transition.

The countries of the world today looking at Libya in how to move to the path of democratic choice and avoid the path of war, violence, destruction, killing, displacement, and exclusion when the word of consensus between political poles of the conflicting and fighting to become under the cover of the national Libyan mantra overall.

But this road to democracy is still fraught with dangers and difficulties and the lack of understanding in a straight line with international plans in the process of a future "action plan" committed by the Libyan political forces to achieve
Libya's sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity.

Many political analysts have agreed that Libya is still in a state of great crisis in achieving the Libyan social peace, and that the file of Libya today and after the failure of many attempts of consensus between Libyan political poles, which took place in several meetings, has transformed the Libyan political file in full to the adviser Ghassan Salama in an “action plan” that was agreed upon by many countries around the world.

The transformation of the Libyan file into the United Nations is a very serious shift and a transition from the process of bringing the views closer to a plan of action that would be made by the UN Special Envoy to 
Libya, which in turn produced a lot of differences between some of the protesters.

Plan of action Before the United Nations is a work to carry out its three major steps in the transition to exit “
Libya" from the bottleneck.

The Libyan government and the Libyan legislative body are in an extremely difficult position to control and reorganize their internal structures while implementing comprehensive economic reform and development programs.

The Libyan state, which is subjected to 
Libya's national security, is facing enormous challenges and foreign intervention in the internal affairs of the Libyan state, to set its own the security, economic and even social objectives.

Libya's violent conflicts, which have been accompanied by a military confrontation in the east, west, and south, have multiple dimensions, with terrorists growing in various areas on Libyan soil and infiltrating others into Libya across the wide Libyan borders.

The phenomenon of extremism and militancy, the smuggling of drugs, arms and human trafficking, and the transfer of African migrants to Europe from Libya, is an organized plans prepared by terrorists, focusing the attention of the western world , which placing Libya on the list of cautious and failed states that can not secure its strategic borders with neighboring countries.

The launch of the constitutional declaration is certainly the positive indicator to the whole world towards the democratic process to achieve the presidential and parliamentary elections to stop the state of disintegration between the segments of Libyan society.

The task lies on the obstruction of government and the legislative and judicial bodies in the Libyan to find an urgent solution.

What makes Libya - today - more vulnerable to external influence, especially from the Security Council at the United Nations is the security factor suffered by Libya, in addition to illegal immigration and human trafficking and economic interests of the West, which is the main factor in the interference in Libyan internal affairs and try to curb the roots of those who try to harm their Western interests.

The recent security issues are a challenge that weakens the belief that 
Libya is not the right model in the Mediterranean region; Libya, on the other hand, has slipped into the cycle of conflict and chaos after the revolution and has been dominated by al-Qaeda, which makes Libya under the watchful eye of international powers.

Libya's long border with many neighboring countries and the lack of national security to protect it from the arrival and departure of terrorists on Libyan territory is a factor that destabilizes the security and stability of the Libyan state and neighboring countries.

Recent years have led 
Libya to a state of instability, the collapse of economic resources, the lack of wages and salaries, the excessive cost of food and basic goods and the relative scarcity of services available to Libyan nationals.

The weakness of the Libyan state apparatus, which lost the country's ability to withstand the unrest, and the lack of political consensus between the Libyan parties even after the meeting on the UN General Assembly and the Libyan file in the process of scouring out the chaos in Libya.

For these many reasons, the world today sees with the hope the solutions of the Libyan issue and the participation and support of Mr. Ghassan Salame’s plan of bringing together the parties to work in the spirit of building and completing the transitional institutional frameworks and the task of ensuring Libya's security against terrorism.

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis


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