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 International mediation mirage to resolve the Libyan crisis

There is no room for interpreting the Libyan crisis, but what we are witnessing today is the result of a conflicting between the Libyan political poles.

A great title for the emergence of the deadly mystery visions in determining the future of Libyan political and militarily promises since the Libyan revolution and its continuation of conflicts.

About four years in a row, in which blood is being bled in Libya, and the destruction of public and private property is taking place, with my vision of the reality of the conflict on the political power which motivated by the war on terrorism, that leads to the benefits of military legitimacy, and the other reality works on the intellectual side, for which the political benefits aims to establish the state of Libyan throughout the international mediation.

It is a frightening reality in which the personal conflict of interest is more evident with the struggle of the general interest of the state of Libya after the Libyan people's hesitation in the Libyan popular revolution.

We did not have the magic wand that carries with it all the solutions to the problems of the current situation experienced by the Libyan state, but we have reasoning and logic in achieving the desired progress of the Libyan nation.

The fact that this explosion of the “Arab Spring” on the level of lack of the full awareness of the mass that caused the destruction of the Arab nation economically, psychologically and morally.

The problem lies not in political despotism alone but also in a more precise sense in the Arab Spring that left the manifestations of corruption and chaos and divisions between the nation unities, so the conflict continues to reach the psychological aspects to the rest of Libyan society after stability.

The conflict is deep rooted in minds that can not be overcome by political changes or diplomatic negotiations as seen today by the Libyan political leaders with the new UN envoy Mr. Ghassan Salama in resolving the Libyan crisis after the failure of many former UN envoys.

But it is necessary to dig deep to see the origin of the Libyan problem, a problem that has created a deep gap between the idea of one nation to the Libyan public awareness towards the unity of Libya, the unity of the Libyans and the unity of one purpose.

A role that is devoted to the development of our society politically to preserve its survival, a role we turn around in the real development of the democratic process and economic development and social welfare, avoiding exclusion and intimidation and displacement of other Libyans we disagree with, and away from the ideology of intolerance and closure that float on the surface of Libyan society.

Today, there is a public awareness that there is a problem not only of political tyranny but of foreign intervention in the property of the Libyan oil state, which is wasted for the benefit of foreign affairs and can be detected only at the point of convergence between the conflicting political poles.

The presence of the intellectual Libyan minds working to get the Libyan nation out of its political, financial, economic and societal crises, far from the burden of theorizing, analysis, and interpretation in the bitter reality experienced by the Libyan people from the mirage of the Libyan social boycott.

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis


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