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 The farce of the meeting... Sponsored by Macron between Serag and Hafter to settle the Libyan crisis

We must not allow the Libyan initiative to fall into the hands of unknown foreign powers, but any national political conscience must reaffirm that the Libyan initiative is an internal political initiative, an issue that concerns Libyan affairs in a Libyan community vision.

The emergence of two conflicting parties to the Libyan authority and the receipt of pledges to put down the armed military action in the country by Hafter and accept Fayez Al-Sarraj for the bitter opponent and prominent in the eastern region when continuing to resolve the political-military crisis and it is chaos in Libya.

Al-Sarraj and Hafter met in early May in Abu Dhabi, but their meeting did not produce concrete results on the ground due to disputes between Libyan politicians, the Libyan armed forces and the Libyan militias deployed in the western region and southern Libya.

The weakness of the general political aspect in the Libyan state is the reality that obscures the reality of the crisis and deprives the Libyan citizen from practicing political action as well as from hearing the voices calling for political stability and security of the country.

Conflicts in the waste of the Libyan state, which is praised by our officials, especially for meeting with foreign officials, with files of their own, not the files of the Libyan people, which represents prisoners of conscience, detainees without official charges addressed to them, those displaced from the homeland and many human rights violations in Libya.

Internal political files are stuck in the Libyan law and constitution by the Libyan state institutions, which are so completely ignored to the chaos, corruption, and destruction of the entire Libyan nation.

Al-Sarraj, head of the national reconciliation government, is weak, he has not been able to control Libya's domestic affairs but has always enjoyed the international community's support for the Libyan authority of the National Reconciliation Government in Libya.

Marshal Khalifa Hafter, who is working to regain his military prestige by fighting domestic terrorism, received from the eastern region and supports the House of Representatives and the tribes of the east of the Libyan military gains in the face of extremist Islamic factions, especially in the city of Benghazi.

However, blocking the current opinion of the real war in Libya under the pretext of fighting terrorism is working to increase the difficulties in Libya, because the sites of terrorist organizations known and declared globally have no presence in the Libyan state.

It’s giving the world opinion a vague image of the disasters that are occurring today inside Libya from fighting, theft, looting, and destruction of public and private owners.

The two men will meet in Paris with French President Macron at a tripartite meeting with UN envoy Hassan Salaam to begin his duties with the chaos that has gripped Libya since the overthrow of the former Libyan regime at the end of 2011.

When there is a conflict over the Libyan authority, one can not abandon the initiative, but it fails from an explosive scene that aggravated by Libyan economic, political and military matters.

The irony is that while the two men are going to Paris, the authorities in Libya for the government of national reconciliation is not taking care of the efficiency and professionalism to address the internal affairs on the file of freedoms, Libyan human rights, and to the restoration of grievances to the people concerned.

The future of the country politically, socially and economically is one of the priorities of successive Libyan governments.

Especially that the Libyan authorities today do not lend the internal files of the Libyan issues any interest, but just to seek to be recognized internationally, without any national duty granted by the constitutional legitimacy of the Libyan State.

Life in Libya has become catastrophic for citizens every day, especially when their daily strength is ignored, and the country is going backward in a slide disaster, without the United Nations work of help.

But the meeting of the two parties is a failed meeting from the ground up, that there is no strategic link connecting and combining Al-Sarraj in the National Reconciliation Government and of the Libyan Arab Army led by Hafter, which is considered the military forces controlling all the eastern region of Libya, how can they negotiate with each other outside the country without any A prior agreement between them to resolve their political and military crisis.

The disappointment in the meeting between the two men would be to give Al-Sarraj a political and diplomatic margin that is larger than his size. Where as his military partners have devoured a small part of the diplomatic aspect, which makes the meeting based on the constant stumbling into the arena of the challenge among the Libyan political parties.

As for Hassam Salaam the UN envoy, will follow Macron’s policy, which seeks to satisfy the two parties without any substantial solutions that will help Libya emerge from the crushing crisis, a work that is based on crystallizing the thoughts no more and no less and seeking to urge all Libyan political parties once again to work hard to try to apply the Moroccan Agreement completely, so they can get Libyan out of its crisis and they return back again to square one in the process of negotiating abroad.

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis


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