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Libyan reconciliation ... “Libyan cake” adorned with bright agreements

It seems that the Libyan reconciliation agreement, sponsored by France, a country lost its strategic interest with the former Libyan regime.

Today, France redraws the map of its importance to its strategic position with the state of Libya in the presence of Leaders of the two main factions, a polar of the Libyan political equation.

The two, Marshal Khalifa Hafta a military strongman in the country’s east of Libya, a man whom he won the war on the Islamic terrorist forces and Fayez al-Sarraj, the head of Libya’s UN-backed government in western Libya.

The ten main pillars were the Libyan reconciliation that determines the Libyan political crisis, which France is working to settle the disputes between Marshal and Fayez al-Sarraj from the political and military aspects of Libya.

France believes that getting out of their own personal political and military crises may put an end to the bloody chaos in which the Libyan people live and which are characterized by instability in the Libyan social ladder.

The real problem is not to decorate the bright agreement without the participation of all the Libyan parties sponsored by Paris this time after the presence of the poles of the belligerents of power and arms, but to maintain the participation of the Libyan community affected after the fall of the former Libyan regime is good political action.

The main points of the agreement are to decorate the cake of Libyan reconciliation with the heart of the Libyan issue.

The foreign and Arab world countries and the international and Arab organizations contribute to the liberation of the Libyan nation from the humanitarian disaster.

Libyan reconciliation works on the participation of the parties in the Libyan political authority to gather the Libyan spectrum in the pot of the new political system at a referendum of the new Libyan constitution, which gives them the choice of the Libyan national anthem and flag, the flag of the Libyan nation, which flutters on the Libyan gathering.
A process that opens Libya's closed doors. which to welcome the return of the Libyan people from all over the world and the safe return of the displaced Libyans in their homeland, the return of the Libyan transitional justice procedures and the preparation of the general amnesty to all Libyans without an exception.

The holding of new parliamentary and presidential elections, which have been reflected in previous agreements such as the Moroccan Skhirat agreements, from which the Libyan reconciliation government has emerged, and regional support, may work to complete the lack of the rest of the political parties that are in conflict with the authority of the State of Libya.

The work on the Libyan reconciliation is a comprehensive work that seeks to stop the injection the blood of the people of Libya, which helps to build a safe, peaceful Libyan state that leads to the unity, security of Libya.

This mission and responsibility shared by all the political parties in conflict with the Libyan authority, because Libya does not work to marginalize, distinguish and pave expulsion of its citizens under one nation, but to embrace them in the Libyan national social consciousness.

The acceptance of the national citizens whom they did not participate in the previous agreements, now is time for them to come to save Libya and consider themselves a part of the political solution.

They must come to represent themselves in the next election of the Libyan parliament and the Libyan government because they are partners in resolving Libya's political crisis.

These are the political speculations that lend themselves to the Libyan political arena, which recognizes who is the strong and courageous person, who can frankly and clearly, take on the next political and military leadership tasks in Libya.

Will Marshall Khalifa Hafter be the strong man of Libya, who fought terrorism and won the Libyan Legitimacy Award for the leadership of Libya or is the winner, Fayez al-Sarraj, whom he got the Libyan political leadership from the government of national accord emerging from the Agreement Skhirat Morocco, which represents the Libyan civil state?

It is necessary to clarify that the military authority can not be subjected to civil political authority because the Libyan cake is not divided in this way that we see today through the secret scenes to satisfy one party at a time Libya wants political, social and economic stability.

Marshal Khalifa Hafer, a military man, knows that his presence in Libya is to protect the Libyan people from the forces that want to be unique and control the political power, leaving the Marshal outside the political game, and Fayez al-Sarraj can not understand a military man denies the civil state in which the military side is under the control of political power.

The Libyan revolution for many people was a French fabricated revolution and today we see that the political agreement under the auspices of France is a French fabricated agreement and complicity on the Libyan people whom they
are the one bearing the real crisis in Libya?

That the reconciliation of France in Libya is bigger and more comprehensive than the interests of other European countries such as Italy and Britain, especially that France is the major powers in North Africa, which links Tunisia and Algeria to a close political and military ties. Therefore, France should decorate the Libyan cake agreement that works on effective reconciliation Between the Libyan political and military parties and their containment in the Libyan national pot.

After the meeting in Paris between the conflicting poles of the Libyan state authority, the final statement did not give any statements of answers to heal the curiosity of the curious and concerned about the course of the crises of various Libyan issues.

The conflicting Libyan parties are leaving doubts about the success of the meeting and the chances of a serious rapprochement again on Libyan territory.

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis


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