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 The soil unity will remain as torch in the sky of Libya

For the one hundred and six years, the Libyan people remember, in a row, the pages of the history of their struggle, how Italy was expanding its colonial area in North Africa, making the Libyan territory a colonial base overlooking from the European continent and serving as its political ambitions.

Italy became the first European country affected by its sterile colony due to illegal migrations coming from Africa to Italy through the Libyan territorial waters. Italy could not help the Libyan state in combating those who come to it and demand refuge.

From this colonial point of view, the Libyan Mujahideen (Freedom Fighters) began their faith movements to liberate and unite the territory of Libya under the leadership of the Martyr Sheikh Omar Al-Mukhtar and other martyrs of the Libyan nation such as the martyr Ramadan Al-Suhaili, Ahmed Saif Al-Nasr, Sulaiman Al-Barouni, Ahmed Al-Sharif Al-Sanousi, Fadhil Omar The sons of the Libyan nation, were an example of pride, pride and dignity in the unification of the country's soil and were all included in the  white pages of the Libyan history throughout the ages.

The aggression of
Italy was raging on the soil of the Libyan nation, and the fathers and grandfathers fought it with their blood.

 Today we are going to a brutal civil war, in which our noble Libyan spirit has been blown up under the miseries of division and separation from each other in the East, West and South, and the siege on us in arms, ammunition and Libyan funds frozen in international banks under the pretext of terrorism Planted in the Libyan homeland.

The people of Libya are patient and mighty and depend on God wells to find a way out of their successive crises in those who have the wisdom and good advice to stop the injection of the blood of the Libyan people, to the homeland safety, sanctity of soil and the unity the Libyan people from the absurdity that is taking place in Libya.

Hundred and six years ago the Libyan people remained steadfast to address all the desperate attempts to dismantle the national cohesion with different strategies of foreign colonization on the Libyan territory, and to a war on terrorism on its pure content and we are now back in the wheel of Libyan history backwards to satisfy those who were on the soil to colonize Libya.

It is a dangerous order on the capabilities of the Libyan state, the new form of colonization is indirectly happening on the Libyans. Starting from the needs of food, clothing, and the Libyan money that is frozen abroad.

The lack of good maintenance of oil wells that eroded over time, the excessive cost in the Libyan markets, the weakness of government institutions in its performance to give reasonable housing, sanitation and good health care, bad infrastructure which is threatened by a complete collapse.

 This is the new type of consolidation to the roots of colonialism is established indirectly in the depths of the Libyan nation total collapse of the country of Libya.

The wheel of Libyan history revolves, but how it revolves. It revolves backward and King Mohammed Edris Sanusi was once right in his own wording, when the majesty the King said in his famous saying, that our independence from the colonization and the preservation is harder than getting it, the removal of the owners of ignorance and the sick souls away from the National Authority of Libya is a must.

The cohesion of the Libyans in the unity of the country's soil and its preservation is a national duty when there are men who can move from the smaller striving of (Jihad) to the
larger striving (jihad).

 The striving Jihad is the consolidation of law and justice and the corrupt accountants for their corruption of the Libyan state and wasting our choices and expropriation of money and wealth, leaving the Libyan people waiting in lines at the banks.  

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis 


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