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 Democratic rule in Libya ... towards political mobility

The issue of the political movement in Libya deals with Libyan political groups in various schools of thoughts and with their strategic relations with the Libyan state. It is a political issue that is fully popular in Libya which works toward the breaking tendencies among the various Libyan political parties.

The power of the political movement in Libya may arise when there is an appropriate and conducive political and constitutional arena in the modern Libyan state, a conducive environment to help spread their political activities throughout the country after the glorious Libyan revolution of the seventeenth of February.

Since the emergence and the establishment of political movements and parties in the past Libyan history, the role of the political parties may continue as the components and direction of the Libyan political agenda to support the democratic rule and governs of the modern Libyan state.

The issue of political mobility in Libya is due to the history oft Libyan political struggle a movement of the political parties, civil societies organizations and factions at home and abroad, based on the participation in the affairs of Libya, a relationship can be negative or
positively in a comprehensive social process with democratic political thought.

Libya is trying to restore Islamic law, which is the main reference in the various political, social and economic life, it calls for the characteristics of Libyan society "objectivity" to liberate the Libyan people from the personal factors that lead to oppression and the obligation of those in power with the adoption of a pluralistic, from all walks of life in the Libyan society.

The stage of resisting the Italian colonization of Libya where the components of the Libyan national tribal movement at the Islamic leadership led by Sheikh martyrs martyr Omar al-Mukhtar and the leadership of Mr. Ahmed Sharif Senousi in the Sanusi Islamic Movement, in the case of peace and the Libyan jihad war with the perception of Libyan leaders Mujahideen that forecasted the danger of the orientations and aspirations of Italy In controlling Libyan territory and making it a base on the African continent.

The movement of the martyr Omar al-Mukhtar was a historical Islamic symbol of the Islamic faith in the fight against foreign colonization of Libya and adopted by the Libyan Royal Constitution after the doctrine of Libyan society at the independence of the Libyan state from the Italian colony.

The birth of the first modern Libyan state, "United Libyan Kingdom" Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan under the banner of independence and the 1951 Constitution of Libya.

At the time, Libya's independence was not distorted or deficient in the three Libyan territories because Libya became the rule of the Constitution in its Islamic faith, the doctrine of the ancestors on the soil of the Libyan nation.

A step forward and advanced for many Arab and Islamic countries at that time to reach the realization of the hopes of the modern Libyan state emerging at an early age in the history of modern Libya, far from all the political and military conflicts that were taking place in the Arab region and in response to the wishes of the Libyan people in stability and security after the era Colonialism.

Libya was in the transition stage, the stage of Italian colonization to a preliminary phase and the transition to self-rule. The ruling elite in Libya lived with the Islamic Mujahideen figures with great harmony, a harmony between the two parties as a result of the common struggle and the single goal of Libyan national unity and the quest for a modern Libyan state with a constitutionally united.

The national political parties in Libya were few demanding political freedom, but the Islamic movement was strong in the face of foreign colonialism. It was the lion's shield that swept Italy from the Libyan lands with the Islamic cultural identity of the Libyan people.

In the era of the Libyan state, Libya created the nascent state after independence. It is a political system in which there is no power struggle. It has been a struggle for successive governments over each other. This is why the political elite succeeded in the peaceful rotation of the sovereign positions in the Libyan state institutions away from political party disputes and power struggles, Libya becomes the most stable country on the African continent.

It was a political life with the nature of the alliance and the coalition between the components of Libyan society and the search for the majority needed by passing the legislative decisions in the Libyan parliament, there was no anti-existence of any party has political influence in the country, including Islamic-oriented Islamists.

The nature of political life in the era of the Kingdom of Libya was not characterized by a struggle for power and political divisions, but there was a political consensus between them, contrary to what we see today after the Moroccan-Libyan Agreement.
The lack of collective certainty of the reality of the Libyan crisis and the absence of negotiations between officials, politicians and elements of the Libyan armed groups, officers, soldiers, revolutionaries, deputies, academics, intellectuals and political parties make the political movement in a constant faltering to dismantle the existing conflicts in the Libyan state.

Negotiation leads to the arrival of momentum and public awareness to obtain a general agreement on solutions to the crisis in the understanding and national action shared by Libya out of its political, security and financial crisis, which is pushing the rotation of the political wheel of the state backwardness.

The absence of the idea of a national Libyan container to clearly represents the cultural thought of the people of Libya, which includes their three regions, which work to get rid of the idea of division and focus on the basis of the unified state of Libya, which increases the cohesion of the existence of different political components.

Libya's overall vision is to lead Libya into a working movement and a political mechanism, a work to involve everyone to give the Libyan nation peaceful and unarmed direction towards the formation of a modern civilized state called the Greater Libyan State.

For these historical reasons, Libya is characterized by tolerance and religious compassion among the Libyan people as a result of the unity of the struggle's goal, which brought the Italian colonizer out of Libyan territory and gained independence from it, and then began to unite Libya in a constitution that governs with justice among people and establishes the foundations of modern Libyan state institutions.

The Libyan people did not have any political intellectual crystals before independence because of the conditions that Libya had in terms of education, the small number of housing units, Libya's vast geographical area and the scarcity of natural resources, but the Islamic religion was more powerful in the Libyan reunification under the vast tent of the country and the existence of customs The Arab-Islamic tradition had a strong popular link.

After independence and the formation of the Libyan state, the stage was marked by the emergence of political components of an ideological, cultural and social character.

Libyan political and social organizations:

The association of the National Front of Omar Mukhtar - Al-Barghawi (Cyrenaica) National Party – Libyan Youth Association – Egyptian Tripolitania (Trabelsi) Party - Labor Party - Liberal Party – Independence ( Istiqlal) Party - Libya Liberation Organization - National Congress Party Tripolitania Trabelsi.

After the revolution of the September 1969 revolution (by military coup) on constitutional legitimacy, announced the overthrow of the royal political system, the system of "the Kingdom of Libya" and the declaration of the "Libyan Arab Republic," which entered Libya during the various political regimes, including a republican political system to the era of the (State of the Mass) Jamahiriya In the pages of the Green Book, in the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, in their era all the political parties were seized and confiscated under the slogan of “ whom he is in the political party is in a state of betray to lead astray) Libya then moved to the so-called "State of Libya".

Political parties and movements:

National Alliance of Forces - National Rally of Libya - Justice and Building Party - National Party - National Front Party - Future Libya Party - Libya Democratic Party - Libyan Accord Party - Libyan National Party - Democratic Development and Prosperity Party - Central Party of Libya - Conservative Party - Libya Youth Party - Central National Trend Party - Libyan Solidarity Party - Change Party - Liberal Libyans Party - Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Armed groups in Libya:

The emergence of movements and armed groups active in the early eighties, but their ideas dates back to the seventies, which is divided into the Islamic Fighting Group and the Libyan Islamic Movement, which works to remove the political pluralism and establish an Islamic political system based on an integrated system of religion and one state.

Jihadi movements ... application of Islamic law

Organization of the Islamic State - Al-Qaeda - Ansar al-Sharia - Militant Militias - Mujahideen Shura Council.

Apart from the political issues agreed between the Libyan people, the conflict between the Libyan political parties has intensified in the national identity and ideological culture, and between the Libyan immigrants whom they were in political exile and the other from within the homeland in the former The State of the Mass Jamahiriya regime, ruled the Libya for four centuries of time, and on the one hand and Arab-Islamic culture on the other.

The nature of the political system:

In the last stage, after the overthrow of the State of The Masses political system, five trends appeared in the issue of governance and sovereign authority in the Libyan political system.
The traditional Islamic political system:

In their curriculum, Islamists are based on not - separating religion from power, one sovereign authority in an integrated political system under the guise of Islamic law.

Full separation of religion and state:

Under the Slogan saying "give Caesar what to Caesar has and give God to God has"
A complete secular political doctrine.

Dual party or multiparty System:

The presence of Parliamentary System or presidential representative constitutional rule of laws.
The simple political system:

The existence of under the tribal Libyan society under the powers of the sheik of the tribe, which uses the Senate in the consultation and decisions.

Composite political system:

The Libyan political system is the political apparatus of the Libyan society. It is either a Libyan democracy, an Arab despotism, a Libyan Republic, a Libyan monarch, or Republica return back to the Libyan State of Masses Jamahiriya System in the “ People's Authority” without a constitution to govern the Libyan state of the Masses Jamahiriya

It is the Libyan political system that works to preserve the identity of Arab-Libyan Arabism in the presence of its various social co ones because it plays a major role in defending Libyan political, social and economic interests.

The Libyan debt is due to the Libyan armed groups' gathering into the Libyan Arab national army and preparing them for a good preparation of education in the modern military arts in the countries of the world that carry the ideas of protecting the Libyan homeland from any external forces that work to destabilize and secure and work to protect the gains of the modern Libyan state.

By Professor Ramzi Mavrakis


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