Ramzi Mavrakis Summary: Ramzi Halim Mavrakis Ramzi Mavrakis is 60 years old and was born on 10/1/1958. Currently, he lives in Columbia, MO. He currently works as a President at Halim Mavrakis, Inc. . Ramzi's education includes attending Columbia College. His ethnicity is Middle Eastern American, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican Party; and religious views are listed as Muslim. Ramzi is now married, and also has 2 children. He has a reported annual income of $250k+ and a current net worth value of greater than $1m. Contact Information Social Profiles Social media activity. This may contain online profiles, dating websites, forgotten social media accounts, and other potentially embarrassing profiles. This may also contain additional contact information, giving you more ways to get in touch. About Ramzi Mavrakis Birthday:10/1/1958 Political Party: Republican Party Ethnicity: Middle Eastern American Religion: Muslim Income: $250K+ Net Worth...
رمزي حليم مفراكس رجل اعمال ليبي / كاتب ومحلل اسياسي وافتصادي والعلاقات الدولية Ramzi Mavrakis / Businessman / Political & Economics Writer