The Libyan Crisis: The Libyan Crisis: Legitimacy that Recognizes the Political Work The Libyan Crisis: Legitimacy that Recognizes the Political Work By: Ramzi Halim Mavrakis About the Book The Libyan Crisis: Legitimacy that Recognizes the Political Work offers solutions to the existing problems that are facing the State of Libya during the time of its political crisis and economic stagnation. The author believes that the ultimate prosperity for the country of Libya is not based on the individuals or group expertise but rather on the collective efforts of all Libyans inside and outside the country. The Libyan Slogan of success will be lifted as high as the sky above us all “From each according to our ability to each according to our social success in one nation.” About the Author Ramzi Halim Mavrakis is a businessman in Columbia, Missouri. He has written many article...
رمزي حليم مفراكس رجل اعمال ليبي / كاتب ومحلل اسياسي وافتصادي والعلاقات الدولية Ramzi Mavrakis / Businessman / Political & Economics Writer