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Showing posts from November, 2018
 Toward solutions :  complexities internal Libyan political scene The Libyan People's Revolution suffered from the demise of the former regime, Libya is still stable and is still being denied access to this day to internationally recognized and stable political system, without imposing security decisions on  Libya . Political constraints  Libya  have been tied to Security Council resolutions, with many Libyans questioning what will trigger a political policy next year. Those political complications exist because personal ambitions and authoritarian trends have made  Libya a divided character. The results obtained by  Libya  in the past period by the international community were not entirely satisfactory and encouraging, when the United Nations failed to negotiate with all Libyans related to the Libyan issue for a comprehensive and complete peace between them. The situation of  Libya  is indeed a catastrophic o...
  For Libya with Libya... Palermo conference between commitment and implementation In a new campaign promoted by Italy , "For Libya with Libya " the gathering of political actors, it’s a campaign of some of the Libyans and not everyone. Among the attendees were the President of the Presidential Council Fayez Al-Sarraj and the General of the Libyan Army and senior politicians from all over the world at the Palermo Conference in Sicily. Palermo conference was very much criticized by some Libyan political figures, some of them did not participate in the conference, considering the Libya summit with Libya as marginal and somewhat unsuccessful. The presence of the Libyan General Libyan Army in Palermo, backed by Egypt, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and France, is in place to meet with Ghassan Salameh and senior international officials to get Libya out of the crisis that the country has experienced for many years. It seems that the Italian President...
Per la Libia con la Libia.. Conferenza di Palermo tra impegno e realizzazione In una nuova campagna promossa dall'Italia, "Per la Libia con la Libia" il raduno di attori politici, è una campagna di alcuni libici e non tutti. Tra i partecipanti c'erano il Presidente del Consiglio Presidenziale Fayez Al-Sarraj e il Generale dell'Esercito Libico e alti esponenti politici di tutto il mondo alla Conferenza di Palermo in Sicilia. La conferenza di Palermo è stata molto criticata da alcune personalità politiche libiche, alcune delle quali non hanno partecipato alla conferenza, considerando il vertice della Libia con la Libia come marginale e un po 'infruttuoso. La presenza dell'esercito libico generale libico a Palermo, sostenuta da Egitto, Russia, Emirati Arabi Uniti e Francia, è in atto per incontrare Ghassan Salameh e alti funzionari internazionali per far uscire la Libia dalla crisi che il paese ha vissuto per molti anni. Sembra che il...
لأجل ليبيا مع ليبيا.. مؤتمر باليرمو بين الالتزام والتطبيق ضمن حملة جديدة ترويجه شنتها ايطاليا "لأجل ليبيا مع ليبيا" من  تجميع الأطراف السياسية الفاعلة ، حملة جمعة  بعض الليبيون وليس الكل، فكان من بين الحاضرين رئيس المجلس الرئاسي فايز السراج والمشير خليفة حفتر القائد العام للجيش الليبي وسياسيين كبار من دول العالم في مؤتمر باليرمو الصقلية.  لكن مؤتمر باليرمو كان كثيرا منتقدًا من بعض الأطراف السياسية الليبية  نظرًا لأن البعض منهم لم يشاركوا في المؤتمر معتبرين لقاء القمة لأجل ليبيا مع ليبيا هامشيًا  وفاشلا إلى حد ما.  وجود الجنرال الليبي  في باليرمو مدعوم من مصر وروسيا والإمارات العربية المتحدة وفرنسا، فهو متواجد للقاء مع غسان سلامة وكبار المسؤولين الدوليين  لإخراج ليبيا من الأزمة التي شهدنها البلاد منذ سنوات طويلة. مما يبدو أن الرئيس الإيطالي للمجلس  جوزيبي كنني ، ذهب في الأيام الأخيرة قبل انعقاد اللقمة من اجل ليبيا إلى مدينة بنغازي الليبية لإقناع حفتر بحضور المؤتمر. ولكن أثناء الليل اجتماع رئيس الوزراء جوزيبي كونتي مع ...